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Pennard Primary School


Information About Governing at Pennard Primary School

School Governors, as members of the Governing Body, are responsible for the strategic development and direction of a school.  An effective Governing body is a 'critical friend' and works closely in a supportive way with the Headteacher and school staff.  The Governing Body sets the strategic direction of the school, sets out school policies which are implemented by the Headteacher and staff and oversees the management of the school budget.  The Governing Body is responsible for setting targets for pupil achievements at specific key stages, and monitors the progress of the school in meeting these targets.

Governors fall into a number of categories:

Parent Governors: These are parents of children in school, and who are elected by the current parents.
Teacher/Staff Governors: These are members of staff, elected by the teaching and support staff.
LA Governors: These governors are appointed by the Local Authority (LA).
Community Governors: These are members of the local community, appointed by the Governing Body.
Headteacher: The Headteacher is normally a member of the Governing Body, and reports to the Governing Body about the school's activities and performance.

Our current Governors are :

Chairperson: Mrs A. Demicoli (Parent Governor)

Vice Chairperson: Mrs H. Forster (Parent Governor)

Parent Governors: Mrs S Hussain, Mrs J Kiley.

LA Governors: Cllr Lynda James, (we have LA Governor Vacancies)

Community Governors: Mr G. Tuffey, (we have Community Governor Vacancies)

Teacher/ Staff Governors: Miss E Booth, Miss L Williams.

Headteacher: Ms K. Hanson

BECOME A GOVERNOR : If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please contact Kerina Hanson, Headteacher, to find out about any current vacancies.