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Pennard Primary School

Healthy School

We successfully gained NQA status for the third time in March 2018  We had a day long assessment to celebrate the very hard work we have been doing throughout the last 13 years whilst working on the Healthy Schools Scheme. 

Ardderchog Ysgol Gynradd Pennard !!

HEALTHY EATING: As an accredited National Healthy School and are committed to promoting and monitoring healthy food at break and lunch times. Different teaching styles and learning opportunities are offered to pupils to develop their awareness and understanding of healthier eating and basic food safety practices, including regular opportunities to cook. 

SNACK TIME: You may like your child to have a mid-morning snack. We welcome fruit and vegetables, and would ask you not to send your child with chocolate, crisps or sweets of any kind. We have fruit tuck shop on offer everyday.

WATER: Research shows that our brains need water to stay active and alert. All children are encouraged to bring water into school daily, in a spill-proof plastic bottle 

You can read Statutory Guidance for Healthy Eating in Schools here: