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Pennard Primary School


Cursive Handwriting 

At Pennard Primary School we use a cursive handwriting style. We have used this scheme for a number of year and we see many benefits, it has greatly improved the presentation of children's work across the school and has also helped children to see and remember spelling patterns. 

In the Foundation Phase we begin by forming the letters individually, always starting on the line and going 'up the hill' and ending in a 'off you go'. We never join upper case 'capital' letters to the rest of the word and so these letters do not need to go 'up the hill' or 'off you go'. Although we do not join the letters together yet, remembering 'up the hill' and 'off you go' prepares the children for joining their handwriting and makes the transition a lot easier. Generally, the 'joined up' handwriting is taught in Year 2, however, if a child is ready to join their letters earlier we will encourage them to do so. 

If you would like to help your child to practice their cursive handwriting at home please see the image below for the correct formation. If you have any questions or would like know to more about cursive handwriting feel free to come and speak to us.